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Unit 194 Member Achievements



Emerald Life Master (7,500-10,000)

Diamond Life Master (5,000-7,500)

Sapphire Life Master (3,500-5,000)

Gold Life Master (2,500-3,500)

Ruby Life Master (1,500-2,500)

Silver Life Master (1,000-1,500)

Bronze Life Master (500-1,000)

Life Master (500)






Emerald Life Masters 7,500-10,000 Points

as of 30 May 2019



Elizabeth Legacy Halifax, NS      7,924.6
Stuart Eastwood Halifax, NS      7,699.3






Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top















Diamond Life Masters 5000-7500 Points

as of 30 May 2019



Leo Weniger Halifax, NS      7,249.6
James Praught Halifax, NS      6,988.5
Myrtle Moulton Halifax, NS      6,765.7
Bill Halliday Halifax, NS      6,360.8
Kathie Macnab Halifax, NS      6,271.2
Randy Bennett St John's, NL      6,253.9
Terry Shaw Halifax, NS      6,115.3
Jim Mathers Williamswood, NS      5,897.1
Daniel Landry Hubley, NS      5,868.0
James Kirby Dartmouth, NS      5,856.5



Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top






Sapphire Life Masters 3500-5000 Points

as of 30 May 2019



Gerry Callaghan Bedford, NS      4,858.6
John Ayer Dartmouth, NS      4,838.8
Eric Balkam Halifax, NS      4,730.1
Virginia Giza Timberlea, NS      4,660.0
Roderick Mackenzie Halifax, NS      4,576.3
Bilgin Batman Bridgewater, NS      4,536.5
Denis Murphy Coldbrook, NS      4,334.2
Marcia Shaw Halifax, NS      4,306.7
Gerald Murphy Kentville, NS      4,258.6
Ted Withers Windsor, NS      4,252.0
Mary MacKay Halifax, NS      4,109.1
Boyd Wells Truro, NS      4,107.6
Ken Eisner Truro, NS      3,953.2
George Holland Dartmouth, NS      3,861.5
Brian Delong Harmony, NS      3,860.1
Jill McCormick Halifax, NS      3,799.4
Roy Perry St John's, NL      3,743.7
Roy Landry Halifax, NS      3,743.6
Steve Anderson Herring Cove, NS      3,735.9
Carol Thompson Halifax, NS      3,697.1
Gerald Soucy Halifax, NS      3,661.5
Rosemary Sampson Williamswood, NS      3,552.5



Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top






Gold Life Masters 2500-3500 Points

as of 30 May 2019



William Camp Chester, NS      3,283.5
Edgar Blinn Lunenburg, NS      3,227.6
John Stewart Halifax, NS      3,200.5
John Atlee Macgregor Halifax, NS      3,110.5
Hugh Shankel Windsor, NS      3,101.3
Brenda Woodman Mount Pearl, NL      3,068.2
Douglas McAvoy Dartmouth, NS      2,987.5
Bryson Crowell Kentville, NS      2,984.6
David Morse New Minas, NS      2,966.8
Linda Tuff Lower Sackville, NS      2,958.7
Brian Hansen Kentville, NS      2,864.6
Jo Ann Lynds Truro, NS      2,827.5
Larry Mock Dartmouth, NS      2,806.1
Richard Desmarais St John's, NL      2,784.1
Ian Crowe Dartmouth, NS      2,760.3
Richard Lash St John's, NL      2,744.5
Glenda Mills Kentville, NS      2,717.5
Menashe Cieplinski Halifax, NS      2,713.0
Joy Cavazzi Kentville, NS      2,708.4
Susan Hubley Halifax, NS      2,658.7
Donald Presse Halifax, NS      2,579.6
Roy Bungay Stephenville, NL      2,552.3




Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top




Ruby Life Masters 1500-2500 Points

as of 30 May 2019



Thomas Dale St John's, NL      2,468.5
Peter Ineson Halifax, NS      2,406.8
Fred Struve Bridgewater, NS      2,321.9
Douglas Miller Dartmouth, NS      2,299.7
Marilyn Bennett St John's, NL      2,272.2
Jessie Sanford Falmouth, NS      2,252.6
Beverley McDonald Halifax, NS      2,228.9
Gary Brown Wolfville, NS      2,212.6
James Gray Berwick, NS      2,186.2
Robert Chase Bridgewater, NS      2,166.9
Brian Collins St John's, NL      2,156.2
Sheila Cardone Halifax, NS      2,150.7
Sharron Josey Chester, NS      2,126.2
Lydia Prange Wolfville, NS      2,125.9
Mike Tanner Halifax, NS      2,098.4
Victor Goldberg Halifax, NS      2,085.5
David Wandler Italy Cross, NS      2,082.9
David Scammell Truro, NS      2,075.1
Hilary Hayden Mahone Bay, NS      2,074.8
W William Cruden Halifax, NS      2,060.7
Lorna Stock Halifax, NS      2,052.6
Elianor Kennie Kentville, NS      2,049.2
Frances DeLong Harmony, NS      2,039.6
Marjorie Wandler Italy Cross, NS      2,034.3
Melinda Maclean Halifax, NS      2,014.8
Elaine Mac Keigan Georges River, NS      2,002.1
Brenda Kirby Dartmouth, NS      1,997.0
Scott Rappard Dartmouth, NS      1,979.7
L Del Knox Dartmouth, NS      1,953.0
Thomas Sheppard Chester, NS      1,940.5
Hazel Harlow Halifax, NS      1,935.2
Peter Rans Halifax, NS      1,908.4
John Tolson Bedford, NS      1,906.2
Scott Macdougall Halifax, NS      1,900.3
Sandra Macpherson Halifax, NS      1,865.2
Bill Knoll Jr New Glasgow, NS      1,852.4
James Woodman Mount Pearl, NL      1,835.9
Phyllis Boudreau Wedgeport, NS      1,814.8
Pramila Paddock St John's, NL      1,799.2
Deirdre Davis St John's, NL      1,762.6
Mark Spear Kentville, NS      1,746.0
William Presse Halifax, NS      1,745.8
Winnie Nickerson Halifax, NS      1,732.0
Michael Covey M Sackville, NS      1,728.5
Glendon Dominoe Conquerall Mill, NS      1,720.2
Maureen Donovan Halifax, NS      1,710.7
Carol Grover Wolfville, NS      1,708.7
Neil Balcom Wolfville, NS      1,699.7
Robert W. S. Brown Port Greville, NS      1,672.0
Russell Keating Halifax, NS      1,671.6
Kristie Misener Wellington, NS      1,669.0
Lynne Tolson Bedford, NS      1,668.6
Harold Wood Halifax, NS      1,666.9
Mary Jane Brown Bedford, NS      1,662.7
Mary Balkam Halifax, NS      1,661.5
Martin Pink Yarmouth, NS      1,651.5
Earle Fergusson Hatchet Lake, NS      1,649.1
Alan Millman Pictou, NS      1,641.8
Janet Corkum Truro, NS      1,632.2
William Davidson Pleasantville, NS      1,619.6
Margaret Cann Sydney, NS      1,608.9
Priscilla Kennedy New Waterford, NS      1,594.9
Judy Callaghan Hammonds Plains, NS      1,558.3
Evelyn May Campbell Halifax, NS      1,548.1
Andrew Endendijk Truro, NS      1,544.8
Louis Tousignant Brooklyn, NS      1,536.7
Balon Buckley Halifax, NS      1,524.8
Candace Flemming Halifax, NS      1,522.4
Peter Stacey St John's, NL      1,501.3



Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top



Silver Life Masters 1000-1500 Points

as of 30 May 2019



John Goold St John's, NL      1,498.5
Viki O'Dea St John's, NL      1,495.5
Neil Macneil Halifax, NS      1,488.4
Robert Tumilty Annapolis Royal, NS      1,485.8
Hind Blick New Germany, NS      1,482.0
Gundi Husain Halifax, NS      1,473.8
Sandra Wood Halifax, NS      1,466.7
Chris Wilcox Halifax, NS      1,464.9
Patricia Morrison Wellington, NS      1,460.0
Tim Margolian Halifax, NS      1,405.1
Ronald MacKnight Kentville, NS      1,388.2
Mustafa Kantarcioglu Mount Pearl, NL      1,374.5
Diane Livingstone Halifax, NS      1,371.9
Michael Inkpen Kingston, NS      1,348.3
Arthur Donahoe Halifax, NS      1,322.9
Kerry Hicks Dominion, NS      1,311.6
Edgar Wolman Halifax, NS      1,301.5
John Olsen Chester, NS      1,298.1
Ginny Saunders Halifax, NS      1,277.7
Linda Smith Halifax, NS      1,256.2
Janet Parsons St John's, NL      1,251.5
Betsy Eisner Truro, NS      1,240.5
Douglas Hamilton Bedford, NS      1,237.1
George Dewling Lunenburg, NS      1,225.1
Pamela White Windsor Jct, NS      1,222.4
Charlotte Cooling Truro, NS      1,218.6
Wendell Shankelbirch Central Lot 16, PE      1,216.3
Joan FitzGerald St John's, NL      1,215.9
David Chipman Halifax, NS      1,215.8
Adele Stewart Halifax, NS      1,195.5
Medric Cousineau Eastern Pass, NS      1,188.2
Robert Colavecchia Bedford, NS      1,186.9
Mike Buist St John's, NL      1,183.6
Peter Mackay Dartmouth, NS      1,177.0
Dave Tanner Halifax, NS      1,175.6
Gordon Bourgeois St John's, NL      1,171.7
James Graham Halifax, NS      1,169.6
Ruth Cruden Halifax, NS      1,164.8
C Carter Halifax, NS      1,162.9
Mary Lynn Macdonald Halifax, NS      1,145.1
Valerie Best Prospect, NS      1,144.3
June Taylor Halifax, NS      1,142.2
Judy D'Entremont Lwr-W-Pubnico, NS      1,139.1
Russell Boyle Halifax, NS      1,135.2
Robert Williams Halifax, NS      1,134.3
Hattie Cashin New Waterford, NS      1,133.8
Matthew Morse Centerville, NS      1,133.7
D Riteman Bedford, NS      1,133.1
Dolores Bruleigh Sydney, NS      1,132.2
Bruce Watson St John's, NL      1,131.8
Jean Cooke Halifax, NS      1,116.9
Carol Hamilton Bedford, NS      1,115.9
Rick Sparkman Melanson, NS      1,098.2
Eileen Wakeham St John's, NL      1,095.2
Carol Weir Bedford, NS      1,091.6
Bud Feron Dartmouth, NS      1,090.3
Michael O'Neil Halifax, NS      1,089.1
Verna Petrie New Waterford, NS      1,082.2
Anne d'Entremont Mid-W-Pubnico, NS      1,075.3
Lorne Cock Truro, NS      1,063.5
Wilma Simpson Kentville, NS      1,049.0
Irene Shankelbirch Central Lot 16, PE      1,036.6
Stephen Tynes Truro, NS      1,029.5
Lynn Switzer Dartmouth, NS      1,025.0
Jean Mackenzie Wolfville, NS      1,023.4
Frank Harlow Bridgewater, NS      1,018.9
Valerie McClintock Bedford, NS      1,018.4
John Pitblado Liverpool, NS      1,017.7
Chester Melanson Church Point, NS      1,017.0
Judith Marshall Middleton, NS      1,008.8
Margo Beveridge Halifax, NS      1,004.5
Shirley Cock Truro, NS      1,000.3



Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top




Bronze Life Masters 500-1000 Points

as of 30 May 2019



Heather Gillis Halifax, NS          997.6
Gina Harlow Bridgewater, NS          993.1
Jane Spindler Halifax, NS          979.8
Graham Waters Halifax, NS          977.6
Pamela Hickman Canning, NS          970.6
Robert Dorland Truro Heights, NS          957.4
Daniel Poirier Kentville, NS          956.3
Trish Hattie Fall River, NS          956.0
Eunice Spear Sydney, NS          942.8
Malcolm Demont Chester Basin, NS          941.6
Charles Fortune Stellarton, NS          936.6
Eric Marshall Middleton, NS          935.9
David Chute Berwick, NS          933.6
Betty Demont Chester Basin, NS          932.7
Alan Thompson Halifax, NS          924.5
Doris Sheppard Mahone Bay, NS          913.5
Marylyn Rudolph Central Onslow, NS          912.3
Sheila Leard Bedford, NS          902.9
Inez Schwartz Sydney, NS          891.7
Edward Carty Antigonish, NS          889.0
John Rafferty Truro, NS          886.9
Herb Watters New Glasgow, NS          874.7
Cecily Ryan St John's, NL          871.1
Vipin Acharya St John's, NL          870.7
John Dow Berwick, NS          866.6
Paul Conrad Halifax, NS          861.0
Erv Blakeney Kentville, NS          859.7
Hazel Leiper Greenwich, NS          859.7
Jane Filbee Halifax, NS          858.0
Goldie Trager Halifax, NS          835.1
Gloria Stone St John's, NL          829.9
Verna Macleod Halifax, NS          823.7
Sid Greeley Paradise, NL          821.3
Helen Burns Canning, NS          820.7
Gary Bardon Mahone Bay, NS          817.0
Timothy Matthews Halifax, NS          816.2
Barb Allen Halifax, NS          810.7
Lloyd Le Blanc Saulnierville, NS          804.3
Margaret Gibbons St John's, NL          802.1
Debbie Garson Halifax, NS          801.9
Haixin Xu Wolfville, NS          801.6
Carole Anne Patterson Halifax, NS          793.7
Victor Lamoureux Dartmouth, NS          789.0
Michael Ross Bedford, NS          777.6
Rose Baker Halifax, NS          775.4
Ray Boudreau Truro, NS          769.9
Inge Hausgaard Pleasant Valley, NS          764.8
Morris Trager Halifax, NS          754.1
Patricia Scammell Truro, NS          750.8
Nancy Spencer Halifax, NS          740.1
Daniel Regimbal Bridgewater, NS          738.9
Wayne Hsu Up Tantallon, NS          737.9
Vicki Traynor Canning, NS          736.1
Linda Walker Bedford, NS          724.9
E Anne Mitchell Truro, NS          714.9
Shan Naidu St John's, NL          711.4
Kent Ritchie Halifax, NS          711.0
Michael Parmenter St John's, NL          709.0
Raye Lundrigan St John's, NL          708.9
Douglas Roberts New Glasgow, NS          696.8
Julianna Gabor Halifax, NS          694.1
Joan Regimbal Bridgewater, NS          692.3
Derek Broughton Dartmouth, NS          685.2
Lise Brennan Ellenton, FL          680.6
Bob Edmundson Beaver Bank, NS          679.9
Marta Mihoff Dartmouth, NS          679.2
Valerie Brisco Halifax, NS          673.1
F Winston Samuel Dartmouth, NS          665.8
Joan Ledrew St John's, NL          661.6
Bev Moore St John's, NL          654.0
Laura Watson Halifax, NS          650.9
Don Wright Kentville, NS          650.4
Pierre Proulx Halifax, NS          648.3
Judith McIntyre St John's, NL          647.1
Mary Jane Mackay Halifax, NS          641.1
Margaret Dodson Pictou, NS          640.0
Alison Hill St John's, NL          631.0
Annie Williams Halifax, NS          630.2
Thomas Mackay Halifax, NS          621.9
Lesley Ruggles Antigonish, NS          619.4
Marilyn Bernardo Halifax, NS          609.5
Glen Dexter Lunenburg, NS          607.0
Margaret House Truro, NS          606.7
J Albert Dorey Halifax, NS          606.0
Barb Croft Mount Uniacke, NS          599.3
Karla Zwicker Newport, NS          598.9
Tina Parelius Halifax, NS          590.2
Pat Payne Kentville, NS          588.9
Inez Vautour Truro, NS          586.8
Yves Chartrand Hebron, NS          586.1
Beverley Snow Truro, NS          584.9
Ronald Vautour Truro, NS          582.7
Sheila Baird Halifax, NS          581.6
Bruce Walker Wilmont, NS          577.1
Donald Lutz Fall River, NS          574.0
Geraldine Macsween Dartmouth, NS          569.3
Margie Knickle Lunenburg, NS          567.1
Marg Blakeney Kentville, NS          561.5
Jane Walker Wilmont, NS          559.4
Kathryn Ells Halifax, NS          545.3
Gwenda Jablonski St John's, NL          544.9
G Gray Halifax, NS          544.4
Daniel Labrie Halifax, NS          543.6
Andre J Gauthier Kentville, NS          543.2
Barbara Fader Halifax, NS          540.0
M Gail Ashley Halifax, NS          529.3
Duncan Beveridge Halifax, NS          526.9




Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top



Life Masters 300-500 Points

as of 30 May 2019



Mary Goodman Halifax, NS          496.1
Myra Sheppard St John's, NL          486.0
Jim McDonald Halifax, NS          467.3
Peter Dodd Lunenburg, NS          463.4
Gerard Macmaster Pt-Hawkesbury, NS          454.9
William Black Halifax, NS          450.5
Pamela Dean Truro, NS          428.5
Colin Moran Centreville, NS          421.1
John Brake Torbay, NL          415.2
Marlene Dexter Halifax, NS          409.9
Elly Bronk Bedford, NS          404.5
Penny King Avonport, NS          387.4
Frank Miller Fall River, NS          382.0
Daya Pillay Halifax, NS          369.6
James Brown St John's, NL          364.1
Susan Pattillo Chester, NS          360.8
Joy Bookholt Fall River, NS          358.4
Julie Williams Halifax, NS          355.5
Verne Miller Port Wade, NS          340.9
Alan Stern Halifax, NS          340.0
Miller Ayre St John's, NL          323.9
Elizabeth MacDonald Halifax, NS          323.9
David Macnab Middl Sackville, NS          321.1
Gaye Macdonald River John, NS          764.0
Sandra Tobin St John's, NL          613.1
R Carmel Bailey Halifax, NS          559.3
Paula Michalik Albert Bridge, NS          522.6
Irene Szabla Pictou, NS          497.0
Ron O'Brien New Glasgow, NS          482.3
Eva Wallace Wolfville, NS          474.7
Michael Hogan Halifax, NS          407.4
Phillip Knoll Halifax, NS          405.5
Robert Braedley Truro, NS          397.5
Richard Nickerson Berwick, NS          394.2
Helen Prowse Halifax, NS          384.1
Stephen Outerbridge St  John S, NL          363.5
Kathryn MacIsaac Halifax, NS          363.2
Deedee Dyer Chester, NS          350.9
Jonathan Surrette Truro, NS          350.6
Audrey Macgillivary Stellarton, NS          342.8
Janice Edey Angevine Lake, NS          329.9




Diamond LM  Sapphire LM  Gold LM Ruby LM
Silver LM Bronze LM Life Master Back to top