Minutes of the Unit 194 Executive Board
Meeting in Halifax, November 10th, 2012
Present: Karl Hicks, John Tolson, Bill Halliday, Bill Batman, Lydia Prange, Kerry Hicks, Linda Tuff, Carol Weir, Terry Shaw, Martin Pink, Dan Landry, Joanne Lynds, Boyd Wells, Doug Hamilton
Call to Order 8:30.
Regrets: Marilyn Bennett
Minutes from the Executive meeting of Unit 194 in Coldbrook on September 29, 2012 were presented. Linda Tuff indicated that the minutes should have included that the executive had held a discussion that Unit 194 should have a policy on fund raising.
Motion: Martin Pink moved that the minutes of September 29, 2012 Unit 194 Executive Meeting as amended be approved. Seconded by Terry Shaw. Motion Carried.
Business rising from the Minutes:
1) Discussion re: times for the Sectional tournaments. The Friday start time of 1:30 and 7:30 is the new time moving forward. The Saturday times will be 10am & 3pm. Although this was intended to be two one session events in November, it was advertised as one event. The change to two one session events will commence in February. A survey will be completed at this sectional to evaluate the time change.
2) Teleconference meetings – Dan indicated that Marilyn is very excited about the opportunity to participate in the Unit 194 meetings. Joanne and Dan will work on the details.
3) Computer has still not been purchased.
4) CAN-AT report was presented. The event had a profit of $743 as compared to the 2010 profit of $6,302. This was attributed to lower attendance and a reduction in lower Delta room rebates. In 2014, it was recommended by Gerry Callaghan that 2 session team entry fees be increased to $70 from $60, with no increase for the pairs events or 1 session Swiss. This increase will offset the increased sanction fees.
5) New Glasgow Sectional tournament – it is unknown whether this event will be held.
New Business:
1) Bill Knoll, Truro representative has resigned from the Board.
2) Question was raised whether Amherst is part of Unit 194 or Unit 230. The ACBL had indicated that it was a member of Unit 194 – this has to be investigated.
3) Next Meeting – Truro Sectional Tournament – May 2013
Meeting adjourned.
Respectively Submitted,
Carol Weir
Unit 194, Secretary