Minutes of the Unit 194
Annual General Meeting
Halifax Sectional
Nov. 7, 2015
Present: Bilgin Batman, Linda Tuff, Bill Halliday, Lydia Prange, Liz Legacy, Mike Tanner, Mark Spear, Dan Landry, Brian DeLong, Boyd Wells, Gerardo Malazdrewicz, Gerry Callahan, Doug Hamilton, Art Donahoe, Karl Hicks, Jim Kirby, Kathie Macnab, Fran DeLong
Call to Order 2:15
1. Minutes from the AGM of November 8, 2014 were read. Amendments made (below). Motion to approve amended minutes moved by Karl, seconded by Fran. Motion carried. Amendments:
· Add to attendees: Marjorie Wandler, Linda Tuff
· Correct time from 1:30am to 1:30pm
· Correct spelling of Brian Hanson to Brian Hansen
2. The auditor’s report was circulated by Bill. Moved by Bill and seconded by Boyd that the auditor’s report be approved as circulated. Motion carried.
3. It was moved by Art and seconded by Boyd that the unit ask Gerry to act as auditor for next year’s financial statements. Motion carried.
4. No board nominations from the floor. Moved by Bilgin and seconded by Boyd that the current unit board continue for another year. Motion carried.
5. Session fees increase at Sectionals. Moved by Karl and seconded by Art that session fees be increased at Unit 194 sectionals to $12.50 per session. Lengthy discussion followed.
· Points on the pro side included: unit is losing money on many sectionals, members will still come to play at the increased rates (club games in Halifax are $10), we should be consistent with Unit 230 who is also considering an increase.
· Points against included: unit is breaking even currently across all sectionals at current prices, increases could hurt attendance especially at non- Halifax sectionals.
· Disagreement about whether this was a decision to be made by the general membership at the AGM or by the unit board. · Agreed to carry forward this discussion to board meeting in Truro in March.
· Informal show of hands was requested, with approximately 20 yes and 10 against.
· Motion was ruled out of order.
Linda moved for adjournment.
Respectfully submitted,
Jo Ann Lynds
Unit 194 Secretary