Discussion Only – Unit 194 Board Meeting re Can-At 2022

December 22, 2021 -  Monday 4:45 pm

Highlights of report from Tim Margolian re Westin Hotel Can-At

·        Preliminary basis The Westin will agree to $1500 convention space rate. Asked anticipated room nights. Monday through Thursday game schedule. Approx. 150 rooms total.

·        Contract contains a reserve of a block of rooms, commit to a room rate – looking for a guarantee from Can-At committee.

·        $43.450.00 is the amount for 150 rooms. Committee negotiated 75% of the block. Room rate $250.00

·        This would total a shortfall of $10,000. Attendees must register through the hotel, not just stay there using Points, Promotional codes etc.  Hotel will not budge on this.

·        Thought? Go back to Westin and ask for a percentage of rooms booked outside of our block. Tim will re-approach Westin.

·        Other considerations would be the Casino and the Old World Trade center. Not tied to room nights.

·        We will ask Elliott to research the above options. Parking would be free at the Casino, options for choosing hotels in the area, lots of great restaurants on the waterfront.

·        Thank you Linda  -  Jean

The price of the Can-At sessions was debated, but no decision made.

Gerry will get a sanction for the Halifax Sectional Tournament, for the third week of March. The Venue to be Mt. St. Vincent University, and he will Chair. 

The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, Jan. 10, 2022   -  4:30 pm.

Jean Mackenzie – Sec’ty