Dec. 6, 2021 Minutes of Zoom Board Meeting

Jim called the meeting to order – 17 members present

Main item on the Agenda – Discussion re the Can-At games for 2022. 

Gerry presented his Amended Preliminary Can-At Budget for 2022: 4 days; two sessions per day.

Linda emphasized the importance of preserving the status of this excellent tournament, and the necessity of preserving its dependable reputation. Our Venue should appeal to speakers such as Barb Seagram or Jerry Helms.

Jim thought it would be worth the loss, to keep the Can-At going, as our next opportunity to hold these games won’t be until 2024.  Arthur commented we must keep the loss to less than $5,000.

Different suggestions were offered re the Can-At game:  Running the Tournament from Monday through Thursday; or from Thursday through to Sunday; increase the fees per session to $18.00, up from $16.00.

Eliot had contacted the Mayflower Curling Club as a possible Venue for holding these games - $3,000 for 4 days.  His thoughts – by using the Curling Rink as a Venue, we could keep the rates to $16.00 per session.

Marilyn thought that ‘hotel venues’ would be favoured, as ‘outsiders’ would want to stay ‘on site’.

Eliot will meet with Tim and Gerry to discuss various Venues.  They will bring results by our next meeting on Monday Dec. 13th.

Ron wondered if the usual protocols would be followed.  Jim assured that all the protocols now in place concerning these Tournament would be closely followed.  All will have to show proof of vaccinations, possibly even for the booster shots.

John Olsen asked about an ‘escape clause’ issued by these hotels, in case we would have to cancel the games because of further Covid restrictions.  He was assured that there definitely are these ‘escape clauses’ in such contracts. 

Re sanctions from the ACBL, John Dow didn’t think that would be a problem.   

Gerry said that Mt. St. Vincent is available for our March Sectional. He will confirm the dates in writing. The November Sectional incurred a $2,800 loss. 

Fran moved the meeting adjourn.  John Olsen seconded.  Our next Board Meeting to be held Monday, Dec. 13th, at 4:30 p-m.