Sept. 30, 2023 Unit 194 Board Meeting

September 30, 2023


1)      Review of minutes of the last meeting as emailed to everyone

2)      Review of financial report

3)      New Business

4)     Adjournment


The Discovery Committee has put forward the following ideas, in regard to keeping our Tournament losses to a minimum:

1. For tournaments outside Halifax, having only Saturday and Sunday events
2. Having the Friday scheduled hours like the Sunday hours.

3. Perhaps having the Friday games on line for non-Halifax Tournaments.
4. More economical management of Unit Boards and supplies
5. Using local Directors
6. Increasing fees


President Brian DeLong called the meeting to order at 09:00 Sept., 30, 2023.

Those present:  Fran DeLong, Elliott Keyser, Glen Dexter, Jean Mackenzie, Bill Halliday, John Dow, Tim Margolian, Bilgin Batman, John Olsen, Ron O’Brien.    

Unable to attend:  Jim Kirby, Marilyn Bennett, Paulette Mitchell, Irene Jones

Marylyn Rudolph had out-of-town company; Kristie Misener was out of country. 


Bill moved and Glen seconded, that the Board Minutes of March 25th, 2023 be accepted as presented.  Motion carried.


Bill reviewed the Financial Information.  This shows a loss to date of $9.816.69, with cash in excess of liabilities of $30,787.28 as of September 30, 2023.  No financial information is shown in this statement for the October Tournament, now in progress.

A GIC of $20,000 is coming up for renewal.  Bill suggested he do up three GICs in November -one for $10,000 and two up for $5,000, at 5% return. This was agreed by the Board.

Methods were discussed on how to manage HST costs. No decision was made.

Fran moved and Bilgin seconded, that the Financial Information be accepted as read.  Motion carried.

Much discussion occurred regarding Tournament expenses. 

Bill gave a summary of the ratio of afternoon games to evening games.  Evening attendance seems to remain about the same. 

Glen commented that one way that might attract new players to the Tournaments, would be to offer short bridge lessons during the games. 

John Olsen said we should be encouraging more of our Provincial people to attend our Tournaments

 John Olsen moved, and Bill seconded, that the Halifax Tournament would start earlier on Fridays, perhaps at 10:00 and 03;00 p.m.  This would be on a trial basis only.  Motion carried. 

Elliot suggested and Glen concurred, that we could consider shortening Sectional Tournament days to two days instead of three. The local Directors could approach the Board with this suggestion.

It costs the Unit about $700.00 to have the bridge tables, etc. brought to a Tournament venue.  Glen offered to investigate a place to store the tables locally, in Halifax.  Another suggestion, by Fran, is that the Unit purchase a trailer to be used for this purpose.  One person could be delegated to handle supplies, transporting, etc.  Glen offered to investigate storage, insurance, registration, etc. for this trailer. 

Director costs:  Brian will talk to Trish re the pros and cons of hiring Local Directors for Tournaments.

To qualify as a Tournament Director, that director must write an ACBL test.  Also, with 25 or more tables to direct, a Tournament must use an ACBL Director.

The Can-At is allowed to offer the Weds., game on line.  Sectionals can not be played on-line.


Session Fees – Jerry suggested we raise session fees.  It was so moved by Elliot, and seconded by Bill, that we raise prices to :  $15.00 for Sectional games, and $20.00 for Regional games.  Motion carried.  


John Dow asked that he be notified immediately when a Tournament date has been decided. He must register Tournaments as much as a year in advance.


Bill said that Fredericton has suggested that they would hold the Can-At games for the year 2024.  But Elliot said that he has already confirmed the Venue for the Can-At in Halifax.

For the last Montreal National Tournament, Unit 194 paid a nominal sum of money.  Bilgin wondered, as this Tournament had to be cancelled due to Covid,  if there is a possibility of recuperating that money.

No further business, Fran moved the meeting adjourn.


J. B. Mackenzie, Sec’ty