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Canadian Maritimes Unit 194
Record of Tournament Policy
1. The male member of Unit 194 who accumulates the most points in Sectional
Tournaments, excluding STACs, in Unit 194 and Unit 230 shall be declared the winner of the
Lagan Trophy. The prize shall be free plays in all Sectional Tournaments in Unit 194 and 230
until the conclusion of the next Lagan race.
2. Effective November 18, 2017, in the event of a tie in the Lagan Trophy, only one prize
will be awarded. The winners shall share in the prize equally or in whatever proportion they
otherwise determine between them.
3, The female member of Unit 194 who accumulates the most points in Sectional
Tournaments, excluding STACs in Unit 194 and Unit 230 shall be declared the winner of the
McLeod Trophy. The prize shall be free plays in all Sectional Tournaments in Unit 194 and Unit
230 until the conclusion of the next McLeod race.
4. Effective November 18, 2017, in the event of a tie in the McLeod Trophy, only one prize
will be awarded. The winners shall share in the prize equally or in whatever proportion they
otherwise determine between them.
5. Unit 194 has a reciprocal arrangement with Unit 230 of the American Contract Bridge
League. Unit 194 recognizes the winners of the Springhill Trophy (male) and Callaghan Trophy
(female) and the free plays awarded to winners as prizes for each of those trophies. Unit 230
reciprocates by recognizing the winners of the Lagan Trophy and McLeod Trophy and the free
plays awarded to winners as prizes for each of those trophies