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Can-At  2024

Special  Events

Can-At Guest Lecturers

We are delighted to have Jerry Helms back with us .   Jerry will hold Q & A sessions on Saturday and Sunday at 2:15 in the playing area.  Bring your favorite partner and your questions on bidding and defensive strategies.

Intermediate / Newcomer Program:

      Special 0 to 750 Bluenose Gold Rush pairs.

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Daily Bulletin – read about the “Play of the Day”, “Masterpoint Achievements”, 

and see your name listed among the winners of the events.  


The Maritimes is noted for its fine hospitality and friendliness:

¨       Registration gifts, Prizes, and Give Aways

¨       Special Saturday Evening hospitality

¨       Toonie Bar in the Hospitality Suite

¨       Post Game Refreshments at the playing site