< Click here for ACBL Conditions of Contest >
< Click here for District 1 Conditions of Contest >
< Click here for previous years results >
Club Qualifying N. A. P. Dates: June 1 - August 31, 2017 Masterpoints:
Flights: A (Open), B (0-2500 Master Pts), C (0-500 Master Pts and Non-Life Master)
Check your Masterpoint totals in the June 2017 Bridge Bulletin to determine which flight you are qualified for
District winners in each flight will be recognized on the web site. Championship Finals will be held at the Spring NABC in 2018 in Philadelphia, PA
The monetary award will be available on site. Qualifiers must play in the national level event until eliminated to receive the award. There will be no entry fee for the national level of the event. The winning pairs of EACH flight will receive a subsidy from Unit 194-230 which will be the net proceeds from the District finals after expenses.
The American Contract Bridge League offers each District an opportunity to send players to the Spring Nationals to participate in the NATIONAL NORTH AMERICAN PAIRS EVENT. There are THREE flights available. ª Flight “A” (open) is available for ALL members of the ACBL. ª Flight “B” is limited to players with LESS THAN 2500 Masterpoints ª Flight “C” is limited to Non-Life Master players with less than 500 Masterpoints ( Masterpoint
limits as of May
6th, 2017
- See your June 2017
YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DISTRICT FINAL UNLESS YOU QUALIFY AT THE CLUB LEVEL. Club level games are held from June 1st to August 31st ONLY!! Check your local bridge calendar and see when you have an opportunity to QUALIFY to win a trip to the Nationals and represent the Maritimes in the FINAL EVENT. District - 1 Finals are 2 sessions ( 1 day event ) only as follows: ª Entry Fee is $ 50.00 per pair
District Finals: North American Pairs (NAP) Special
Conditions for District 1 - Qualification to the ACBL NAP Finals District 1 holds a “split final”: one final takes place in the Eastern portion of the district, and another in the Western portion. The following describes how the representing pairs will be selected for participation in the ACBL NAP finals in the Spring NABC. The District finals will generally be completed by the first half of November. The District coordinator will work diligently with the coordinators in each portion of the district and the finalists, to confirm the participating pairs to the ACBL finals and confirm their participation to the ACBL. Flight A (Open) ž District 1 can send three (3) pairs to the ACBL NAP finals. 1st place: $700.00 subsidy per player from ACBL 2nd place: $300.00 per player from ACBL 3rd place: earns the right to attend the finals with no ACBL subsidy. ž In the odd numbered years of the ACBL Finals, the 1st place subsidy is awarded to the Western portion of District 1 and the 2nd place subsidy is awarded to the Eastern portion. ž In the even numbered years of the ACBL Finals, 1st place subsidy is awarded to the Eastern portion and the 2nd place subsidy is awarded to the Western portion. ž The 3rd place invitation is first awarded to the portion of the district that holds the 1st place. If that pair doesn’t wish to accept the invitation, then the invitation reverts to the other portion of the district, and back and forth until a pair accepts the invitation. ž If, for some reason, no pair from one portion of the district wishes to participate to the NAP Finals, the available seat will be offered to the other portion of the District (and subsidy if applicable). Flight B (0-2500) &
Flight C (Non-Life Master under 500) ž District 1 can send four (4) pairs to the ACBL NAP Finals. 1st place: $700.00 subsidy per player from ACBL 2nd place: $300.00 per player from ACBL 3rd and 4th place: earn the right to attend the ACBL Finals with no ACBL subsidy. ž In the odd numbered years of the ACBL Finals, the 1st place subsidy and the 3rd place non‑subsidized participation are awarded to the Western portion of District 1, the Eastern portion being awarded the 2nd place subsidy and 4th non-subsidized seat for the finals. ž In the even numbered years of the ACBL Finals, the 1st place subsidy and the 3rd non‑subsidized participation are awarded to the Eastern portion, the Western portion being awarded the 2nd place subsidy and the 4th place non‑subsidized seat for the finals. ž If, for some reason, 1st or 2nd place pair chooses not to attend the finals, their place will be offered to the next pair on the list of their portion of the district and that pair will receive the subsidy allotted to their district portion as described above. Each portion of the district goes down its own list to send two pairs. ž If one portion of the District cannot fill its two seats for the ACBL NAP Finals, the available seat will be offered to the other portion of the District (and subsidy if applicable). Tie-Break:
If there is a tie between two or more pairs in a district final, the score of
these pairs will be recalculated to determine the pair that finishes before the
other. For comparable boards, the calculations will be as follows: +1 for a
win, +½ for a tie, 0 for a loss. “Grass Roots” funds: It is the District board’s decision whether or not to allot some subsidy from the funds. Individual Units can also decide where or not to subsidize players who may be winners from their Unit.
National Finals:
Your finish in your District's NAP Finals has earned
you an opportunity to represent your District in the National Finals of the
North American Pairs at the NABC in Philadelphia, PE Districts are entitled to send four pairs in Flight B:
(0-2500) and Flight C: (under 500 Non-Life Master) and three pairs in Flight A:
(Open) Event Dates Flight A: Baldwin Pairs March 7 and 8, 2018 Flight B: Golder Pairs March 11 and 12, 2018 Flight C: President's Cup Pairs March 11 and 12, 2018
The monetary prizes are as follows: No individual may collect two concurrent prizes. The monetary award will be available on site.
Qualifiers must play in the national level event until eliminated to receive the
award. There will be no entry fee for the national
level of the event. If any pair in any eligible position declines to
participate, their prize be will forfeited and will be awarded to the next
finisher in line who accepts the invitation. For example, if the 2nd
place finishers decline to participate, the original 3rd place
finishers will move up to 2nd place and receive the $300.00 prize.
The original 4th place finishers will be invited to participate with
no subsidy. < Click here for 2018 Spring NABC website Philadelphia, PA >