The Delta Halifax is minutes away from not only the playing site but also the scenic Waterfront Boardwalk, Halifax Casino, downtown Shopping, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Historic Properties, and the many restaurants and diverse cuisine Halifax has to offer.
Intermediate / Newcomer Program: Local experts and National Players will be offering “Topics for Advancing Players”. Gold Rush Pair Events (0-750) throughout.
The Maritimes is noted for its fine hospitality and friendliness: ¨ Registration gifts, Prizes, and Give Aways ¨ Tooney Bar in the Hospitality Suite at the Host Hotel ¨ Post Game Refreshments in the Commonwealth room ¨ See the NOVA SCOTIA ROYAL INTERNATIONAL TATTOO
Daily Bulletin – read about the “Play of the Day”, “Masterpoint Achievements”, and see your name listed among the winners of the events.
Gerry Callaghan – 902-832-9209 Bill Halliday – 902-443-4676 Steve Anderson – 902-477-4785
HALIFAX DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUBS Bridge Studio 902-446-3910 Bridge World 902-454-4098 Follow the links at for schedules |
CAN-AT 2012
Canadian-Atlantic Regional Tournament
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Tuesday June 26th – Sunday July 1st 2012
World Trade & Convention Centre
Support our Tournament: Enjoy your visit to Halifax by arranging your accommodations at our host hotel:
The Delta Halifax at Scotia Square 1-800-268-1133 1-902-425-6700
Bridge Room Rate: Cdn$169.00 + tax
¨ ♠ Great playing venue in downtown Halifax ¨ ♥ Historic Halifax – Waterfront shops, restaurants and boardwalk ¨ ♦ Tall ships and the Maritime Museum with ‘Titanic’ display ¨ ♣ Visit Canada’s Ocean Playground
click on Can-At 2012 Regional Tournament details
Can-At 2012 Playing Schedule
Open Pairs: X: 0-1500 / A: 1500+ Gold Rush Pairs: C: 0-300 / B: 300-750 Side Series Pairs: C: 0-300 / B: 300-1000 / A: 1000+ Strati-Flighted Swiss: A: 2500+ / X:0-2500 /B: 300-1000/C=0-300 (Team Avg) Stratified Swiss: A: 1000+ / B: 300-1000 / C=0-300 (By Team Average)
ª Side Game Series - 3 Separate events: Morning, Afternoon, Evening ª Players must play in at least 2 of the same series to receive GOLD Points.
Evening Swiss Team Events, Stratified - 1sesson only
Tuesday June 26th
1:00 & 7:30 pm Bracketed Knockout Teams #1 (sessions 1-2) Strati-Flighted Open Pairs (2 sessions) Gold Rush Pairs (2 sessions)
1:00 pm Afternoon Side Game Series - Pairs 1st session ªª Continuing thru Saturday 7:30 pm Swiss Teams – 1 session, Stratified Evening Side Game Series ªª Continuing thru Saturday
11:45 pm Midnight Knockouts - (minimum of 8 teams) §§Midnight Knockout every evening Tuesday to Friday provided minimum of 8 teams
Wednesday June 27th
9:00 am Morning Bracketed Knockout (Session 1) Morning Side Game Series ª Continuing thru Saturday
1:00 & 7:30 pm Bracketed Knockout Teams #1 (sessions 3-4) Bracketed Knockout Teams #2 (sessions 1-2) Strati-Flighted Open Pairs (2 sessions) Gold Rush Pairs (2 sessions)
7:30 pm Swiss Teams - 1 session, Stratified I/N Pairs Game (0-99) ªªMorning, Afternoon and Evening Side Game Series - Pairs §§Midnight Knockout Teams (11:45 pm)
Thursday June 28th
9:00 am Morning Bracketed Knockout (Session 2)
1:00 & 7:30 pm Bracketed Knockout Teams #2 (sessions 3-4) Bracketed Knockout Teams #3 (sessions 1-2) Strati-Flighted Open Pairs (2 sessions) Gold Rush Pairs (2 sessions)
7:30 pm Swiss Teams - 1 session, Stratified ªªMorning, Afternoon and Evening Side Game Series - Pairs §§Midnight Knockout Teams (11:45 pm)
Friday June 29th 9:00 am Morning Bracketed Knockout (Session 3) Morning Compact Knockout (Rounds 1-2)
1:00 & 7:30 pm Bracketed Knockout Teams #3 (sessions 3-4) Bracketed Knockout Teams #4 (sessions 1-2) Strati-Flighted Open Pairs (2 sessions) Gold Rush Pairs (2 sessions)
7:30 pm Swiss Teams - 1 session, Stratified I/N Pairs Game (0-99) ªªMorning, Afternoon and Evening Side Game Series - Pairs §§Midnight Knockout Teams (11:45 pm)
Saturday June 30th 9:00 am Morning Bracketed Knockout (Session 4) Morning Compact Knockout (Rounds 3-4)
1:00 & 7:30 pm Bracketed Knockout Teams #4 (sessions 3-4) Strati-Flighted Swiss Teams ( 2 sessions) Strati-Flighted Open Pairs (2 sessions) Gold Rush Pairs (2 sessions)
7:30 pm Swiss Teams - 1 session, Stratified ªªMorning, Afternoon and Evening Side Game Series - Pairs §§ NO Midnight Knockout Teams
Sunday July 1st
am Strati-Flighted Swiss Teams play through (with a 1 hour
lunch break at approximately 1:00 pm) |